College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee


The Curriculum Committee is a representative body within the College of Arts and Sciences at Chicago State University that reviews and approves all curriculum, program, and degree requirements, as well as the development, implementation, deletion, and changes to courses . The Committee recommends action to Faculty, Departments and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Duties of the Curriculum Committee 

The Curriculum Committee considers, develops, and recommends policies related to curriculum and instructional resources to programs through program representatives. It considers proposals submitted and presented by College of Arts and Sciences programs, departments, or invested faculty members.  Examples include, but are not limited to, recommendations regarding changes, additions, and deletions to courses or programs. 

Committee members are expected to

  • ensure that the program has a representative present at any meeting at which proposals from the unit are under consideration,
  • ensure that answers to all sections are clearly stated on the curriculum change forms brought forth from their department,
  • be the primary spokesperson for their program changes, and attend all meetings so as to ensure a quorum.

The Committee evaluates proposals, taking into account all of the following:

  • college and departmental unit assessment plans,
  • effect of proposals on students transferring from Illinois community colleges,
  • effect of proposals on other departments and programs,
  • the strategic plans and missions of colleges and departmental units,
  • the academic quality of the proposal and the faculty involved, and
  • the consistency between the proposal and university policies as recorded in the relevant catalogs, and initiate college-level curriculum studies as appropriate or requested.


Meeting Schedule

The College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee meets the first Thursday of every month when school is in session.

PDF Icon November 3, 2022
PDF Icon December 1, 2022
PDF Icon February 2, 2023
PDF Icon March 2, 2023
PDF Icon May 11, 2023
PDF Icon September 7, 2023
PDF Icon November 10, 2022
PDF Icon December 1, 2022
PDF Icon February 2, 2023
PDF Icon March 2, 2023
PDF Icon May 11, 2023
PDF Icon October 26, 2023
PDF Icon November 2, 2023
PDF Icon December 7, 2023

Click here for Curriculum Committee By-laws

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