

学生健康保险办公室——ADM 130

只接受预约. 没有取得的胜利. 服务所需的面罩.



您必须填写在线豁免表格. 点击这里 对于表格. 

所有 registered undergraduate students taking 12 or more credit hours, graduate students taking 9 or more credit hours, pharmacy students taking 12 or more credit hours, and doctoral students taking 6 or more credit hours are automatically enrolled into the mandatory sickness and injury 保险 through the university each semester. 所有 International students are required to purchase 保险计划 为 the school 一年.  Part-time students taking 6-11 credit hours are eligible to enroll in this 计划.

The mandatory requirement applies to students who enroll 全职 in on-campus 课程 only, or a combination of off-campus (Extension) and on-campus 课程.  Note that students enrolled in all web/online 课程 are not charged 为 保险计划.

Full-time students must complete and submit an online waiver or enrollment 为m each 他们入学的秋季和春季学期.

如果你有保险: Students who are adequately insured have the option of waiving out of the mandatory health 计划 and having the charge removed from their tuition bills. 未能提交 an online waiver or enrollment 为m by the deadline will obligate students to pay the Full-time Student Insurance Premium coverage indicated on your tuition bill.  If your waiver is denied, and you would like to be reconsidered, you may provide proof of coverage to the Office of 学生健康保险.

 如果您没有投保: Full-time students who do not have 保险 must purchase the mandatory 保险 由大学提供.

Adequate 保险 must be provided through an acceptable health 保险 underwriter such as Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Cigna, to name a few,  and must be at least comparable in coverage to the 计划 provided through CSU.  点击这里 to review the 计划 offered by the university under 联合保健学生资源. 

接受医疗补助保险计划. 他们提供全天候咨询和覆盖 没有任何区外限制. 

如果您想购买保险: Students who wish to purchase the mandatory Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan 由大学提供 must complete and submit an online enrollment 表格以尽快启动覆盖. 

解决争端:  You will receive a confirmation email at your CSU email account that your waiver 或录取表格被接受或拒绝.  您的确认邮件副本将 如有任何弃权或注册争议,请填写.  注意: CSU reserves the right to reverse waivers that were originally approved.

Be为e a student can go online to waive out of or enroll into the mandatory 保险 计划, he/she must be enrolled 全职 为 at least 48-72 hours.  这扇窗 time allows the Office of 学生健康保险 to retrieve your registration status and upload it into the United Healthcare website.

As students names are uploaded into the 保险 website, they will receive notification through their CSU email account that they are then able to log-in to the website to 填写弃权/报名表格. 

点击这里 to submit the required waiver or enrollment 为m.

豁免/注册期限 2024秋季学期 为期16周的常规会议如下:

  • 开始: 2024年8月1日
  • 结束: 2024年9月20日午夜

The 计划 provided through 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 is underwritten by UnitedHealthcare 保险公司是根据政策而定的 2022-2363-12022春季学期.  The 计划 brochure provides details of coverage including costs, benefits, exclusions, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which coverage may remain in 为ce.  点击这里 访问可下载的小册子副本.


Part-time students who enroll in 6-11 credit hours of coursework are allowed to voluntarily 加入联合医疗保险公司 into the student health 保险 计划 由大学提供. 
Eligible students who do enroll may also insure their Dependents. 合格的家属 are the student’s legal spouse, partner by civil union, Domestic Partner, and dependent 26岁以下儿童. Dependent eligibility expires concurrently with the 保险的学生.
Students are NOT automatically charged 为 保险计划 during the summer sessions. Those who have purchased 保险计划 为 the Spring semester get a bonus and 夏天也有保险吗. However, anyone who needs health 保险 during the summer and enrolls in at least 6 credit hours 为 the summer may purchase the 保险.  Contact the Office of 学生健康保险 为 more in为mation.

If you have additional questions or concerns, contact the Office of Student Health Insurance, Cook 政府 Room 130, (773) 995-4533. 

  • 网上豁免/报名期限 2022年春季 16周. 学期结束 2月18日2022年午夜.
  • 未能提交 an online waiver or enrollment 为m by the deadline will obligate students to pay the 全职 student 保险 coverage and accept coverage.
  • You must complete and submit a waiver/enrollment 为m each Fall and Spring semester 你是全日制学生. 
  • You must register into your classes at least 48-72 hours be为e you are able to go 在线放弃或加入该计划.
  • To buy 保险, you must submit an enrollment 为m to activate coverage as soon 尽可能.
  • If your waiver is denied, you may provide proof of coverage to the Office of Student 复议保险.
  • A confirmation email will be required 为 any waiver or enrollment dispute.
  • 所有 International students are required to purchase this 保险 计划 为 the school 一年. 
  • Part-time students taking 6-11 credit hours may participate in the 计划 on a voluntary 基础.
  • You can download your 保险 identification card from the UHCSR网站.


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